Summary: The body has an incredible pathway of communication. By way of the nervous system, our bodies can tell us what’s functioning well and send us clues about what could be better.  Learning to understand what your body is really telling you can help you take your health to the next level. 

The information provided in this post is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified healthcare provider. Links throughout this blog may also contain affiliate links. Please be assured, that these are all products I personally use and/or recommend. There is no additional cost to you, and often times when you use my link, you will save money with my exclusive discounts and coupons.

Body Literacy has 2 definitions: 

1. Learning to read and understand the language of the body

2. Learning to observe, chart, and understand an ovulatory menstrual cycle

I like both definitions, but we’re going to focus on the first one. If you’d like to learn more about charting and understanding the menstrual cycle check out more on this topic here. 

There is always a reason why you feel the way you feel. 

-You have a fever, you likely have an infection that the body is trying to fight off. 

-If you bonk during a workout its likely because you didn’t fuel yourself well. 

-If you’re feeling great, you’re likely doing pretty well. 

The key is learning to become more in tune with your body.  

How to become more in-tune with your body

Personally, there are 3 things that I do to improve how in-tune and connected I am with my body. 

1. Track key health indicators.

There are LOTS of fitness trackers out there, but I choose to use WHOOP! I love using WHOOP! because it measures data from me,  and I get to journal about my lifestyle habits. This allows me to look back and see how my lifestyle habits, workouts, etc. affect my body’s ability to function. Since using WHOOP!, I have made a lot of changes to my life and have a much better understanding of how my body functions. 

For example, I know that if I drink alcohol, the next day my heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV- a measure of stress on the body) will both be elevated. So the hangover/ next day blahs after drinking, isn’t made up. Your body is telling you (well mine is at least telling me) to take it easy today, you’re not functioning at 100%. 

WHOOP! Measures heart rate, heart rate variability (a main metric of stress on the body), respiration rate, temperature, and %O2. These metrics are vital signs that tell us how well your body is functioning. When comparing this data to lifestyle habits, workouts, and sleep, you are able to understand your body on a whole new level. 

2. I track my menstrual cycle

I know we said we weren’t going to dive into this here, but I want to mention it briefly. The menstrual cycle is often viewed as taboo, but I’m here to normalize talking about periods, bleeding, cervical mucous, and all things in between. Women are cyclical beings and the function of the menstrual cycle tells us a lot about our health. Similar to WHOOP!, I use a basal body thermometer called Daysy to help me track my cycle. I can input information about my flow, cervical position, cervical mucous, and more to determine which days are fertile, which days are not, and most importantly for me- to see how my body is functioning. 

Tracking data has been a huge way for me to better learn and understand the function of my body. 

Daysy BBT Thermometer

3. I support my nervous system

If you’re new around here you’re probably thinking- what is she talking about. (To get a better understanding of the nervous system, you can explore that here). 

The nervous system is the way in which our body communicates to one another. And the best way I know how to support that communication pathway is to get chiropractic care. I get adjusted for wellness once per week to help my brain and body communicate well, and function at their best. The more supported your nervous system is, the more balance you’re able to create between the body and mind. This balance helps to bring awareness, so that you can listen closer to what your body is telling you. 

chiropractic adjustment

Why we have to become more in-tune with our bodies

We have been taught to fear our bodies. 

I mean, how many times have you ignored a symptom and just said that’s a normal part of life/ aging/ etc. 

Too many, I’m sure. 

Rather than pushing things under the rug and ignoring them until the problem becomes too big to ignore it, I challenge you to start asking WHY. Why is that symptom here? What is it telling you? 

You have a headache- why? 

Is your neck tight? Were you sitting funny yesterday? What about sleeping funny? Did you have enough water? Too much alcohol? What’s the weather like? 

You get the point. 

Some of these questions, you may not be able to answer on your own, and that’s OK. 

But seeking out answers and advocating for yourself with your providers will help you receive better health care. Ultimately, this will lead down a path where it is possible to truly fix the underlying problem. You can start to listen to what your body is saying and idetnifying solutions to manage it. No more just ignoring it. 

Our bodies do so much for us. The least we could do is listen to it when it has something to say. 

Feel free to try using the tips I provided above, or try meditating, journaling, asking questions to start understanding your body. Once you get in-tune you’ll be amazed with what happens when you start listening to what your body is telling you. 

Have questions or thoughts? Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you and your experience with understanding your body.