Active Adults

  • Mastering Your Flow: Exercising in Sync with Your Menstrual Cycle

    Women Working Out

    Every woman’s body is a dynamic powerhouse, influenced by the ebb and flow of the menstrual cycle. While it’s common to feel like exercising during your period is a challenge, understanding the rhythms of your body can empower you to make the most out of your workouts. By tailoring your exercise routine to your menstrual […]

  • Supporting ADHD with Chiropractic Care

    Unlocking the Potential for Improved Focus and Function through Chiropractic Care Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects millions of individuals worldwide, both children and adults. It is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. All of which can significantly impact daily functioning and quality of life. While conventional treatments like medication and behavioral […]

  • The Power of Stretching: Preventing and Managing Neck Pain

    A female demonstrating a neck stretch

    Neck pain is an increasingly common issue in our modern, sedentary lifestyles. Hours spent hunched over screens, poor posture, and stress can all contribute to discomfort in the neck and shoulders. Fortunately, one simple and effective way to prevent and manage neck pain is through regular stretching. In this blog post, we will explore how […]

  • Energize Your Mornings: Creating a Grounded Morning Routine

    The way we start our mornings sets the tone for the entire day. Establishing a morning routine can significantly impact our overall well-being, productivity, and mindset. By incorporating intentional practices, we can cultivate a morning routine that keeps us grounded and energized throughout the day. In this blog post, we’ll explore some simple yet effective […]

  • Grass-Fed Meat: Is it Really Better?

    grass-fed meat

    As active adults, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and mindful food choices are essential components of our overall well-being. When it comes to protein sources, grass-fed meat has gained significant attention in recent years for its numerous health benefits. In this blog post, we will explore […]

  • Headaches: Why Does Your Head Ache?


    Did you know that 50% of adults worldwide suffer from headaches? That is around 4 billion people who suffer from headaches! They are the most common form of pain people experience and a major reason for missed days at work or school. But, what is even crazier to think about is that many headaches can […]

  • Maximize Your Health with Sleep


    You spend about a third of your life sleeping. So learning how to maximize your sleep to give you the most health benfits is incredibly important. Learn why getting good quality sleep is so important and how to improve your sleep so you can maximize your health.  The information provided in this post is not […]

  • What You Should Know About Massage Guns

    Massage Gun Set

    Massage guns have become a popular tool for home recovery and self care. The question is, how do they work, are they worth it, and is it really going to help you?  We use massage guns in our treatments regularly, so we’re a big fan of the benefits they can bring. However, we want to […]

  • Are Inversion Tables Worth It?

    Man with Back Pain

    Back pain is a pain… well, in the back. And when you start looking for remedies, the use of inversion tables is often suggested. Lets discover what Inversion Tables are and how they may or may not help you.  The information provided in this post is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment […]

  • Chiropractic’s Role in Holistic Health

    The information provided in this post is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified healthcare provider. Links throughout this blog may also contain affiliate links. Please be assured, that these are all […]