Summary: Below are 5 things you can do to help you get the most out of your adjustments so you can achieve the best results. 

Dr. Nicole Adjusting a patient

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Making the decision to invest in your health isn’t something that you do without a lot of thought. So you invest your time and money to see a chiropractor, I want to help make sure that you know how to get the most out of your adjustments.

At Rise, our treatments aren’t just a time to get adjusted. It is an appointment dedicated to you where we do a full body analysis of your posture, health and nervous system at each visit. As we assess how your body is functioning, we provide treatments like adjustments, cupping, soft tissue work, active rehab, energy work and more.

With having such a through treatment, it is important that you work on a few things at home so that you can get the most benefit from each of your sessions.

Here are 5 EASY things you can do to get the most out of your adjustment:

1. Move or Stretch Afterwards

Kids doing upward dog in yoga

This doesn’t have to be a full-blown workout but can look like a walk, doing stretches that focus on the main areas that were treated that day. And for kids that may just mean some tummy time, belly massage, or cross crawl exercises. Movement helps to reinforce the adjustment by building onto that brain-body connection that was “rebooted” during the adjustment. Doing a little movement after your visits will help your results be more powerful AND last longer!

2. Fuel Your Body

Rise Chiropractic and Nutrition _ Dublin Ohio Chiropractor _ nutritious meal

Eating a well-balanced diet is one of the biggest keys to giving your body the nutrients it needs to rebuild, repair, recover, and heal. Yes, this means your plate should include carbs, fats, proteins, and lots of fruits and veggies. If you’re struggling to get some nutrients from your diet or feel your diet isn’t as well-rounded as it could be, taking some high-quality supplements can be a great option. Personally, I use the brand Thorne for all of my vitamins. They offer tons of variety, are third-party tested, and provide products with great quality. In the end, don’t forget that food is fuel. Fuel yourself like you’re a Lamborghini (or whatever your favorite fancy care might be!)

3. Hydration

Drinking Water

The number one cause of being sore after your adjustment is not being hydrated enough. And over my many years in practice, I have come to learn that almost no one is hydrated enough. An ideal amount of water to consume is about half your body weight in ounces of water. (ex. You weigh 200 lbs, you should drink 100 oz/ water per day).

It is also important to remember that hydration isn’t just made up of how much water you have, but also your electrolytes. If you don’t get a lot of salt in your diet, try adding salt to your food or drinking an LMNT packet daily. My favorite flavor is the Mango Habanero, but they have lots of great choices to try.  It is best to always be hydrated, but it is especially important to drink water the day leading up to your adjustment, the day of your adjustment, and the day after for best results.

4. Mindset

Healing requires a balance of physical, chemical, and MENTAL health. The mental cornerstone is often overlooked. When you go to your chiropractic visit, I challenge you to go with an open mind. A mindset that is receptive to healing. One that is ready to let your stress go. Chiropractic adjustments work to help the body adapt to stressors in your environment more effectively.  When you have the mindset that you WANT to heal and that you WANT to be there, the healing happens SO much easier.

5. Breathe

Chiropractic adjustments do wonders to calm your nervous system, but continuing to reinforce this state of calmness after your adjustment is key. There are lots of ways to do this, but one of my favorite ways is to utilize diaphragmatic breathing or meditate (or bonus—do those two together!). Intentional breathing in the days after your adjustments helps the brain and body remain calm which is a powerful state to facilitate healing.

Taking the leap to see a chiropractor and prioritize your health is a commitment. None of these things are requirements to see results with chiropractic care. But each of them will go a long way in helping you to maximize the results that you see with each of your adjustments.

My challenge for you: Next time you go to get adjusted, try at least one of these things to Send me a note and let me know what you try and the results that you see!