The way we start our mornings sets the tone for the entire day. Establishing a morning routine can significantly impact our overall well-being, productivity, and mindset. By incorporating intentional practices, we can cultivate a morning routine that keeps us grounded and energized throughout the day. In this blog post, we’ll explore some simple yet effective strategies to create a morning routine that sets you up for success.

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5 Things to Consider When Building your Morning Routine

1. Wake Up with Intention

To kickstart your day, avoid hitting the snooze button repeatedly. Instead, set a consistent wake-up time that allows for an unhurried start. Rise with intention by taking a moment to reflect on the day ahead. Consider your goals, aspirations, or even something you’re grateful for. This small act of mindfulness can ground you and provide a positive mindset for the day.

2. Hydrate & Nourish

After a night of fasting, hydrating your body is essential. Start your morning routine by drinking a glass of water. Consider adding lemon or a dash of apple cider vinegar for added benefits. Follow this up with a nourishing breakfast that includes a balance of protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Fueling your body with nutrient-dense food will provide sustained energy and mental clarity throughout the day.

3. Move your Body

  1. Engaging in physical activity in the morning has numerous benefits. It jumpstarts your metabolism, boosts mood, and increases focus. Find an exercise routine that suits your preferences and schedule. Whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga session, or a high-intensity workout, aim for at least 20-30 minutes of movement. This will not only energize you but also release endorphins, setting a positive tone for the rest of the day. 

4. Mindfulness & Meditation

Incorporating mindfulness or meditation into your morning routine can help cultivate a sense of calm and focus. Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and dedicate a few minutes to deep breathing or guided meditation. This practice enhances self-awareness, reduces stress, and improves mental clarity. Start with just a few minutes and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.

5. Set Priorities & Visualize Success

  1. Take a moment to set your priorities for the day. Jot down the tasks, goals, or projects that require your attention. Visualize yourself accomplishing these tasks successfully and imagine how you’ll feel when you complete them. This exercise not only helps you stay organized but also cultivates a positive mindset, fostering a productive and focused day ahead.

6. Limit Distractions

  1. In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get caught up in emails, social media, or news updates right after waking up. Resist the temptation to reach for your phone or computer immediately. Instead, create a buffer zone by setting aside dedicated time for self-care and personal growth before diving into technology. This will allow you to focus on yourself and set the tone for a more intentional day.

A Look inside Dr. Nicole's Morning Routine

For me, a good morning routine starts with a good evening/ bedtime routine. More on that later. 

There are 2 “tech” things I’ve done to help set myself up for success. 

      • 1. I went through my iPhone and looked at every app and made a list of the app’s that I NEED access to before 7 am. And these are truly a need– my sleep/health app, the Peloton app, my Daysy app to track my BBT etc. For every other app on my phone, I used the settings to create time limits, where I cannot get into these apps without entering my phone password. this has helped limit the aimless scrolling! 

      • 2. I started charging my phone on the otherwise of my bedroom. I use 3 alarm clocks (yes, 3.. I’m a deep sleeper!) I use the hepatic alarm in my Whoop band, my Apple Watch AND the Sunrise Alarm on my Hatch Alarm Clock. This is another thing that helps me from being on my phone first thing in the morning, which is often my biggest challenge.

So What Does My Morning Routine Look Like?

I start by waking up at 5 AM. I know for many this is hart do fathom, but the first two hours of my day have become my favorite two hours of the day. I didn’t always wake up at 5 AM. The desire to do so began after reading The 5 AM Club, If you haven’t read it yet, I’d HIGHLY recommend it. And secondly, because I married the biggest early bird. So what started off as a we’ll try this and see how it goes turned into the biggest gift I’ve ever given myself. 

Before I even get out of bed, I lay there and take 3 diaphragmatic breaths. While doing so, I make a mental game plan for the rest of my morning. I do my very best not to let my brain wander off beyond 7 AM. 

I then head to the kitchen where I start with a glass of water and a fresh slice of Sourdough. After I eat, working out is the next thing I do, so I choose a carb-heavy snack to ensure I’m fueled for my workout. Plus the fermentation process of sourdough has lots of benefits for our gut! 

Then It’s off to workout– my workout schedule varies based on the day of the week and where I’m at in my menstrual cycle. Sometimes, I just do 20 minutes of stretching, and other days I do a 45-minute HIIT ride on the bike. When the weather allows for it, I try to my movement outside because I LOVE that morning sunshine on my face! 

After my workout is done, I head to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. I do my face routine-– which is probably more elaborate than it needs to be. But, I love that the extra steps feel like a spa treatment and that I’m giving my body some intentional love and I’m only an hour into my day! 

After getting ready, I head to the kitchen for breakfast & coffee. I eat my breakfast BEFORE I pour my cup of coffee. Because I try to make my coffee drinking time my quiet, yet intentional time for the day. This is where I practice appreciation for the things in my life. I manifest what’s coming in the hours, days, and weeks ahead. And reflect on what I want to accomplish today. My CleverFox Planner has been a game-changer in improving the quality of my mindset work. 

After I’ve enjoyed my cup of coffee, I’m ready to take on the day. Taking these 90-120 minutes each day to pour into myself truly allows me to give my all to my team at work as well as each of my patients. 

Everyone’s morning routine is a little bit different, as we all have different needs to fill for ourselves before kicking off our day. But I hope this helps give you some ideas and inspiration to add to your morning routine!

Creating a morning routine that keeps you grounded and energized is a powerful tool for personal growth and well-being. By incorporating practices such as waking up with intention, hydrating and nourishing your body, moving, practicing mindfulness, setting priorities, and limiting distractions, you can shape your mornings into a time of rejuvenation and empowerment. Remember, consistency is key. Embrace the power of routine, and watch as it positively impacts your entire day, transforming your life one morning at a time.