Summary: Knowing what to buy at the store can be overwhelming. This post will give you insight into some of the healthy staples we keep in our house at all times. These things are great no matter if you’re Paleo, Keto, High Carb or somewhere in between. Try adding something these things to your household for a healthier lifestyle that is realistic to obtain.

The information provided in this post is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified healthcare provider. Links throughout this blog may also contain affiliate links. Please be assured, that these are all products I personally use and/or recommend. There is no additional cost to you, and often times when you use my link, you will save money with my exclusive discounts and coupons.

Jars stacked and labeled in the pantry

Each week our grocery list definitely revolves around what we’re cooking for the week. But with that said we definitely have some staples that we ALWAYS have around the house.

I wanted to share with you all some of our must haves from kitchen to lifestyle.

In this post you’ll find our favorite items and a few words on why we like them. If you’re looking to find these products yourself, you can find most of them on Thrive Marketplace or in the links provided.

Lets dive in!


Fruits and vegetables

We’ve ALWAYS got produce in the house. Fresh fruits and veggies are a must. I’m not going to dive into this too much just because we usually buy whatever is in season and whatever is on sale. Explore what is in season here!

Condiments & Sauces

Sugar Free Ketchuptraditional ketchup is filled with sugar. Try chasing a sugar free option. 

MayoI love the Sir Kensington Avocado Oil Mayonnaise! The avocado oil makes it less inflammatory than traditional oils and it has the same great taste. 

Mustard: Look for mustard without a lot of additives. Here are some great options for yellow, spicy and dijon and honey mustard. 

Olive Oil: Best for cooking at a heat of 350 or less. 

Avocado Oil: Best for cooking at high temperatures, above 350

Apple Cider Vinegar: I love using Braggs, and make sure you look for the kind with the “mother”

Coconut Aminos: It is a great alternative to soy sauce with less additives and no soy.

Rao’s: Pasta sauce with the most simple ingredients. This is one of our favorites!


home popped popcorn

Popcorn: we like to pop our own popcorn in our popcorn machine. It’s a great snack and allows you to use your own avocado oil + salt + grass fed butter to make it ‘healthier’ 

Mixed Nuts: A great source of protein and a filling snack that’s easy to eat on the run!

Protein Powder: Great for a mid-day snack on the run or to refuel after a workout. 

Tortilla Chips: This is a great grain free chip option that is great to dip in a variety of things

Banza Pasta: A great pasta option that is made from chickpeas

Peanut Butter: Most peanut butters are filled with added ingratiates. This is an example of a ‘clean’ peanut butter. Consider adding some salt to it when consuming. 

Meat & Fish

Butcher Box: This is a subscription based service that makes it SO easy to make sure you always have healthy, fresh protein in your house. We always keep a supply of chicken breast or thighs, ground beef, steak, salmon and shrimp

Desserts + Baking

3 stacks of freshen baked cookies

Dark Chocolate Chips: It is best to use dark chocolate to reduce your sugar intake. I use these chips often because they’re affordable and easy to come by. But look for chips with at least 60% cocoa (more is better, but also more bitter!)

Stevia:  I like to bake with stevia as opposed to sugar. Stevia is an all natural, plant based sweetener which is not as hard on the body to digest. Monkfruit is another good sugar alternative. When looking for alternative sweeteners, make sure you chose one like this one without any additives. And watch out for the conversions because you often need less than you think. There are great brown sugar options as well! 

Almond Flour and Whole Wheat Flour: I like to have both on hand and use them interchangeably with baking! 

Baking Soda and Baking Powder: because they’re the ultimate baking basics and I want to always keep the necessary basics in the house so that I can bake at the drop of a hat! 

Yeast: I love to use Red Star Instant Yeast. I got into baking by following bloggers (my favorite is Sally’s Baking Addiction), and she highly recommended this yeast. And now it’s all I use. 


We keep our seasonings simple, yet we seem to have one of everything. My must have are plain ‘ol regular table salt (make sure you get the iodized kind, since we don’t have a ton of sources of iodine in our diets. Pepper. garlic salt, cinnamon, cumin, and Trader Joe’s Everything but the Bagel Seasoning


Pitcher of water with lemon

Water water water… need I say much. more? But when I’m drinking water I love to throw a lemon in it or add some lemon essential oil to my water when I’m drinking out a glass or aluminum bottle. 

Coffee. I like it black, plain and simple. And in the mornings I love throwing some collagen in it to support my joint and skin health. (pro tip: when looking for collagen, make sure you look for collagen that has Vitamin C with it so that your body can optimally absorb it!). This vital proteins collagen is a great example and the one I personally take.

Electrolytes! I either have a bullion cube in hot water or an LMNT daily. Electrolytes can help to minimize cramping, headaches and brain fog helping you feel your best. (looking for a good selection of LMNT’s? check out Thrive Market!- they have lots of great flavors but Lemon Habanero is my favorite!)

We keep our house filled with lots of great staples, but I’m so glad that I could share some of my favorites with you all. Do you share any of these same staples as me? Do you plan to try any of the out? Let me know in the comments below- I’d love to hear from you!